26 August 2024
Barking Road Runners Phipps 5K - ELVIS #7 (East London V Interclub Series)

The race is part of the East London FiVes Interclub Series (ELVIS), see:, sponsored by Phil Hernon. The race was renamed the Phipps 5K in 2021 to commemorate former Barking Road Runners’ member Owen Phipps, who sadly passed away in 2019.

There is also be a free-to-enter 2k fun run for under 15s, if the weather is dry.

The race is sponsored by Lee Middleton, Sports Massage Therapy (07941 643083). Thanks to Lee for the team prizes of a free sports massage per runner.

The next race will be at 10:30am on Monday 26th August 2024.

Barking Park, Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex IG11 8TA.

Course description:
The race uses a 2-lap course, all on asphalt paths. Note that the course is identical to that used by Barking parkrun. It will be well-marshalled and signed. Headphones are allowed but please make sure you are aware of your surroundings and can hear the marshals.

Prizes and results:
1st, 2nd, and 3rd individual male
1st, 2nd, and 3rd individual female
1st VM40, VM50, VM60 and VM70 individuals
1st VF40, VF50, VF60 and VF70 individuals
Male team (fastest three)
Female team (fastest three)

Runners awarded an individual prize for finishing in any of the overall top three places will be ignored when awarding the prizes for age categories.

The results will be published on the club’s website as soon as possible after the race, and will also be uploaded to Power of 10.  The race will be held under UKA rules (Provisional UKA licence number 2021 42073).

Any questions?
For further information, please send an e-mail to

 Event information
26 August 2024
Barking Park
Great Britain
See map below
Registration is closed
5 km
Starts at 10:30

Price per participant
Price £10.00 + fee
Fee: £0.20 + 6% per participant
5 km
Starts at 10:30

Price per participant
Price £12.00 + fee
Fee: £0.20 + 6% per participant


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Barking Road Runners

In case of questions about the event please contact Barking Road Runners:

Barking Road Runners - Phipps 5K ELVIS #7

  • Barking Park
  • Great Britain